Welcome to the Department of Physics at Colorado State University! Physics, the most fundamental of sciences, is the study of motion, matter and energy at scales ranging from the cosmological to subatomic. At CSU, you will receive a practical, hands-on, and individualized education at a leading research institution.
Department Highlights
Public Physics Lecture: Gerald Gabrielse
Public Lecture: Probing Antimatter-Matter and Other Mysteries of the Universe Using Tabletop Experiments by Gerald Gabrielse On November 12th at 7:30 pm, the CSU Physics Department will sponsor a public lecture by
Celebration and Recognition of Women Faculty in the Physics Department
Read up on the “Commemorating Physics Women Faculty: A POWER+ Event” with the following link: https://natsci.source.colostate.edu/commemorating-physics-women-faculty-a-power-event/
New NOvA results add to knowledge of neutrino physics
At the NEUTRINO 2024 conference in Milan, Italy, the NOvA (NuMI Off-axis νe Appearance) collaboration presented results corresponding to a doubling of statistics since their previous significant result release four years ago.
Q & A with physics alumni: Kiera Bolduc and Zachary Robinson
CSU alumni Kiera Bolduc (’19) and Zachary Robinson (’14) share their experiences from CSU and why students should study physics at the College of Natural Sciences at Colorado State University.
Physics professor Dylan Yost elected as American Physical Society Fellow
Dylan Yost was elected as a 2024 American Physical Society Fellow for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of physics.
Physics faculty member Dylan Yost named Moore Foundation Experimental Physics Investigator
Colorado State University Associate Professor Dylan Yost has been selected as part of the 2024 Experimental Physics Investigators cohort organized and funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. This is the third year of the program, and Yost has received a five-year, $1.25 million grant to pursue his research goals through it.
Faculty suggests new approach in search for dark matter through future DUNE research project
A researcher at Colorado State University has developed a potential approach for identifying and understanding dark matter using the soon to be built gigantic particle detectors at the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
Find Us
Physical Address
124 Engineering Building
400 Isotope Drive
Mailing Address
Physics Department
1875 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-601
(970) 491-6206