Credits: 3 Prerequisite: MATH 340
Vector analysis, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, infinite series, method of Frobenius, complex variables, contour integration.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: (PH 341) and (PH 571, may be taken concurrently)
Central forces, scattering, noninertial reference frames, Coriolis force, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations, small oscillations, continuum mechanics.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: (PH 351) and (PH 571)
Electrostatics in a vacuum and a medium, general solution of Laplace’s equation, Green’s functions, magnetostatics in a vacuum and a medium.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 641
Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation by accelerated charges, special relativity, Lagrangian formulation of electromagnetism.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: (PH 452) and (PH 571, may be taken concurrently)
WKB theory, Heisenberg picture, 3D wells, hydrogen atom, time-independent perturbation theory, angular momentum and spin, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 651
Wigner-Eckhart theorem, symmetries, density matrix, identical particles, interaction picture, time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: (PH 452 and PH 462) and (PH 571, may be taken concurrently)
Canonical and grand-canonical ensembles; Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics; density operator; Bose-Einstein condensation.
Elective Courses
Introductory Electives
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: (MATH 340 and PH 353) and (CHEM 476 or PH 451)
Stimulated emission; laser resonators; theory of laser oscillation; specific laser systems; applications.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 451 and PH 361
Crystal structures and bonding, electronic levels and vibrations, dielectric, optical and magnetic properties, quasiparticles, superconductivity.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 451
Particle interactions and detection techniques. Quark model, scattering models and standard model of electroweak interactions, physics of colliders.
Advanced Electives
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 531
Selected topics in modern condensed matter physics. Examples include topological phases of matter, superconductivity, heavy fermions, density functional theory, surfaces and interfaces.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: (PH 462) and (PH 531) and (PH 652)
Second quantization; electrons; phonons; electron-phonon interaction; superconductivity; magnetism; spin waves; density-functional methods; symmetry.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 521
One- and two-photon spectroscopy; broadening mechanisms; nonlinear optics; coherent phenomena; experimental methods.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 561 and PH 652
Symmetries, electrodynamics, renormalization, and the running coupling constant. Hadron structure, QCD, gauge symmetry and electroweak interaction.
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: PH 652
Formal scattering theory; relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum theory of radiation, symmetries and statistics, many-body theory.
Other Courses
Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: None
Preparatory course for developing research content to pass masters oral presentation.
Credits: Var[1-18] Prerequisite: None
Credits: Var[1-18] Prerequisite: None
Credits: Var[1-5] Prerequisite: None
Supervised teaching of general physics laboratory and recitation sections.
Credits: Var[1-18] Prerequisite: None