Women in Physics is an undergraduate student group at CSU that works to encourage more women to get involved in physics. You don’t have to be a woman to be involved, you just have to support women in the sciences. Contact us at the email below if you would like to get involved!
Meeting Time: Friday 12-2pm
Location: Engineering, WiP Room E115/E116
Contact Info: Kristen.Buchanan@colostate.edu
Find us on Instagram: wip.csu ( https://www.instagram.com/wip.csu?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==)
Find us on Facebook: CSU- Women in Physics
Current President: Alexandria Dolan
Past Presidents: Megan Vildibill, Jordyn Becker, Joyce Squillante, Karen Ford, Valerie Jacobson, Olivia Hanna, Lara O’Connor, Aurora Popescu
Co-founders: Valerie Jacobson and Olivia Hanna
If you have any questions, email above
Join WIP and become involved in some or all of our activities
- CO Science Fair Award creation
- Girl Scouts of America
- Children’s Hospital
- Judging for the Colorado Science and Engineering Fair
- CUWiP Conference at Arizona State
- Tours of NIST, JILA, NREL
- Hosting various speakers
- Art walks
- Science trivia nights
- Study group with dedicated space
- Professional skills development workshops and panels
- Arts and Crafts
- Eat pizza and donuts!
- Attend CUWIP and other undergraduate physics conferences
- Attended the Solar Power International, PhysCon
- Support for 2018 activities from the American Physical Society is gratefully acknowledged.