Demo Number 127
Location Shelf 17
Description Very easy demonstration of Newton’s First Law.
 Related Demos
  • Demonstrates how to really get the
    ketchup out of the bottle. Turn it over
    and whack the bottom (which is now
    on top). This is the usual way people
    try to get the ketchup out but by the
    1st law, all it does is push the bottle
    into the ketchup. Now try it by
    whacking the top of the bottle (now at
    the bottom). This moves the bottle
    suddenly away from the ketchup,
    moving the ketchup down, relative to
    the bottle. (The green stuff is
  • Not especially visible to a large class.
  • Takes only a minute or two of lecture time.

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This Demo is Part of the following Categories: 1F20 Inertia of Rest