Demo Number 032
Location Shelf 34
Description This is a small piece of a magnet between two pieces of graphite inside of a clear piece of plastic that floats when a big magnet is placed on top of the cylinder.
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  • Procedure:
    • Place the small magnet between two pieces of graphite inside of clear part of the plastic.
    • Place the big magnet on top of this cylinder
    • Adjust the distance between small and big magnets until the small magnet floats between two layers of graphite.
  • CAUTION: pinch hazard. The large magnets are extremely strong. Keep away from metals and sensitive electronic equipment.
  • You can adjust the distance between small and big magnets by screwing the top of the cylinder.
  • Use this magnetic levitation apparatus with an overhead camera.

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This Demo is Part of the following Categories: 5G30 Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism, 5H20 Forces on Magnets