Welcome to the CSU Physics Department Demo Database
This database contains all the active physics demonstrations that the CSU Physics department has, along with retired demonstrations that are now in storage.
From this webpage, you can access the Demo Reservation page and find a demonstration by category or by using the search bar.
Search the Demo Library:
If you know the Demo Number, search for “Demo Number: 123”
If you find an error or want to give a suggestion, contact the Demo Room Coordinator.
Below there is a slideshow that can help you navigate the database.
Want to check out a demo?
Visit the reservation page!
Main Demo Categories:
- 0 Homepage (1)
- 1 Mechanics (107)
- 2 Fluid Mechanics (35)
- 3 Oscillations and Waves (55)
- 4 Thermodynamics (35)
- 5 Electricity & Magnetism (110)
- 6 Optics (49)
- 7 Modern Physics (18)
- 9 Equipment (59)
- In Storage (31)
- New Demos in the last year (1)
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