Yulia Maximenko Assistant Professor/ she/they

Office: Engineering D107

Phone: (970) 491-0178


  • Ph.D. in Physics from University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
  • M.S./B.S. in Physics & Applied Math from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


I received a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of IL at Urbana-Champaign (2020) and both M.S. and B.S. in Physics and Applied Math from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. After my PhD, I worked with Joseph Stroscio at the National Institute of Standards and Technology as a postdoctoral researcher. In my research, I use scanning probe microscopy, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and device nanofabrication to create exotic solid-state platforms and investigate the emergent quantum phases with atomic resolution at ultralow temperatures. This research is motivated by pushing the fundamental understanding and limits of many-body quantum effects as much as by the search of novel electromagnetic properties directly applicable in device engineering. While working in this field, anyone can cultivate broadly useful technical and soft skills such as cleanroom nanofabrication, cryo- and vacuum engineering, scanning probe microscopy, material analysis and characterization, thin film growth, data acquisition and analysis, automation, programming, even plumbing, and also creativity, teamwork, problem solving, independent thinking, and public speaking. Outside of work, and sometimes in parallel, I play music and sing opera, dance tango and blues, play racket sports, go on biking, boating, and hiking adventures, and train my cats to perform tricks and diagonalize Hamiltonians.