“Imaging ultrafast and ultrasmall: Unraveling nanoscale correlations in complex oxide heterostructures time-resolved coherent x-ray scattering”

Roopali Kukreja

Monday, April 11th at 4:00pm

Complex oxide heterostructures provide access to emergent functional and structural phases which are not present in the bulk constituent materials. Controlling ionic distribution, stoichiometry and epitaxial strain in complex oxide heterostructures have been utilized to significantly alter the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties. However, in order to fully understand and tailor nanoscale functionalities of correlated materials, detailed access to the nanoscale regime, correlation length scales and their temporal evolution is required. In this talk, I will discuss advanced synchrotron characterization techniques used by my group to investigate nanoscale properties of complex oxides heterostructures. [Read more…] 

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