You are welcome to attend a physics seminar in Physics Conference Room at 9:00 am on Tuesday (Oct 13).


Title: Manitoba Trilogy of Spin Rectification vs Spin Pumping


Speaker: Professor Can-Ming Hu, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada


Abstract:  The art of experimental Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) research is to perform well conceived experiments on specially designed samples, in order to reveal the physics relations hidden by the competing interactions in the many-body system of materials.  It is in this context that the CMP research resembles the art work of cinematography which intends to use staged screenplays to highlight intricate relations formed in a complex society.  From this perspective, I will talk about the Manitoba Production of the recent episodes of spintronics for the audience of CMP, focusing on the once controversial issue of spin rectification vs spin pumping, which plagued the field of dynamic spintronics for quite a few years.


Bio:  Dr. Hu is a Professor of Physics at the University of Manitoba in Canada. He graduated in 1988 from Fudan University, received a PhD degree in 1995 from Wuerzburg University, and got the Habilitation in 2005 from the University of Hamburg.  Dr. Hu served as a deputy director of the National Lab for IR Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science, a Regional Councillor for the Canadian Association of Physicists, and he has been elected since 2014 as a member of the C9 Commission (Magnetism) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).  Dr. Hu’s group in Winnipeg, Canada is currently focusing on studying spintronics, magnetism, and microwave technology.

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